Discount Codes
Discount Codes
We know you are hunting for them
The simple answer is that we don't have any active coupon codes or promo codes. We don't engage in heavy discounting so that the Local Bike Shops that support us don't have to constantly worry that we are undercutting them.
We don't have pop-up's with discounts tied to e-mail addresses. We don't have spin-to-wins. We don't have sales on every holiday under the sun. Instead we focus on a quality bike light that is going to last you for seasons to come.
If you see a website advertising Outbound Lighting discount codes, or promo codes, they are AI generated spam and scam sites.
We only have one small sale every year and that is Black Friday, and that's it, and even then people complain we don't discount heavily enough. 🙄
So rest assured, when you buy today, or from your local bike shop, you are getting a fair and honest price that won't be undercut a week later.